Nesra Specializes in Athletic Facility Design. Below are some of our most recent projects:
Bentley University (MA)
New Football Field & Stadium, Field Hockey & Lacrosse Fields
Nesra Engineering, LLC was selected to provide Survey, Design, Permitting, and Construction Administration for Bentley's Football Stadium as well as their Field Hockey and Lacrosse Fields. The list of improvements includes an expanded practice area, synthetic turf lawn areas, new flag poles, improved entrances, donor recognition areas, new scoreboard, and game clocks. Permitting was obtained through the local conservation commission as well as the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection due to the project’s close proximity to wetlands and Lyman Pond. Subsequently, Nesra was retained to design and permit Bentley University's Softball Facility

​Colby-Sawyer College (NH) NCAA Competition Track
Nesra Engineering, LLC Collaborated with one of our preferred contractors for a fast track design build track and field facility at Colby Sawyer College. The Track and Field Facility included a state-of-the-art, 8-lane NCAA competition track with an inset synthetic turf field. Additional site improvements included the steeplechase, long jump/triple jump, high jump, discus, shot put, and javelin areas. The inset synthetic turf field boasts a high level competition soccer field as well as field hockey and lacrosse. The project was permitted through the New London Planning Board, Army Corps of Engineers and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

Proctor Academy (NH)
Phase I - Synthetic Turf Multipurpose Fields
The Proctor Academy Phase I Renovations included two synthetic turf multi-purpose athletic fields with a Musco athletic lighting, a natural grass softball field with a high end clay infield mix, irrigation, drainage, seating and general site improvements. Phase II consisted of a natural grass baseball field with a multipurpose outfield. Subsequently Nesra was retained to survey and certify a ski slope extension for a facility owned by Proctor Academy. The project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget.

Taunton High School (MA)
Phase I - 8 Tennis Courts
Nesra Engineering completed a master plan for Taunton High School, which included evaluation of all existing facilities and recommendations for future improvements and expansion. Step one of the renovations included relocation and construction of eight new tennis courts. The facility was relocated to create room for future expansion and renovation of the baseball stadium. The tennis court complex included subsurface drainage below the courts due to challenging soil conditions and high water table. It includes perimeter screening, landscaped buffer zones and infrastructure for future lighting. Subsequent to the project, the infrastructure was utilized and lighting were installed by the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant. Phase I consists of eight tennis courts completed in 2016.

Taunton High School (MA)
Phase II - Synthetic Turf Baseball Field
Phase II in accordance with the initial master plan completed by Nesra consists of the renovation and expansion of the baseball stadium. The facility was shifted away from the Taunton River and associated resource areas and utilized the space of the former tennis courts. The facility includes full size soccer and field hockey fields in the outfield, Some of the amenities included in the renovation are state-of-the-art dugouts, portable pitcher's mound, bull pens, batting tunnels, storage building and more. The project is in a 100 year flood plane and was designed to increase flood storage.

Sacramone Park (MA)
2 Synthetic Fields, Basketball Court, & Bocce Court
Nesra conducted multiple community outreach meetings as well as several site visits to discuss the potential project features. After careful consideration, Nesra provided several alternatives to build a strong consensus amongst the various stakeholders. The site contained contaminated soils, which were capped, abiding with strict conformance with all City and State regulations. Nesra provided survey, design, bid assistance, and construction admin services on this project for two new synthetic turf little league fields with state of the art lighting, a new basketball court, and bocce court.

Tyngsborough High S. (MA)
500 Seat Bleacher System
Nesra Engineering surveyed, designed, and provided construction administration for Tyngsborough High School. The project consists of a 500 seat bleacher system, with full ADA accessibility, color riser panels and front façade. The elevated bleacher system allows for storage under the structure. Nesra’s geotechnical team conducted test pits to determine the soil bearing capacities which were utilized by our structural team to design a cost effective foundation system for the structure. Challenges included protection of existing 400 meter running track and synthetic turf field. Subsequently, Nesra was retained to assist with the renovations of the synthetic turf field by conducting topographic survey and as-built documentation of the base stone material.

Londonderry High S. (MA)
1000 Seat Bleacher System
Nesra Engineering, surveyed, designed and provided construction administration services for this 1000 seat grandstand at Londonderry High School. Challenges included steep grade changes and existing structures which were to remain. The facility is fully ADA accessible and fits in beautifully.

Burlington High School (MA)
Natural Grass Athletic Facility
The original field was constructed on a swamp prior to environmental regulations. Project challenges included filling of approximately 3,000 S.F. of wetlands and restoration of approximately 10,000 S.F. of wetlands. This was done in order to provide a regulation size athletic field. The field base was designed to prevent uneven settlement overtime, which can occur when the organic material at the base of the swamp decomposes. The project was permitted through Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection as well as local Conservation Commission.

Shawsheen Valley Technical High School (MA)
Phase III - Softball Field
After the successful completion of the baseball field and 5 tennis courts, Nesra Engineering was hired to re-design the softball facility to meet the school’s needs and budget. Nesra also provided construction administration services for this fast passed project. It was completed on time and on budget. Subsequent to Phase III, Nesra was retained to provide parking lot expansion design and permitting for the school.

Madeline English School (MA)
Soccer Field & Lighting
The Madeleine English School design included a synthetic turf athletic field with Musco athletic lighting and a synthetic turf practice area. The existing playground was renovated and expanded. This project was bid in accordance with Massachusetts procurement requirements. Challenges included protection of existing soil cap for contaminants, testing removal and disposal for excess material as a result of foundation excavation. The field was expended to meet competition levels and is predominantly used for soccer leagues.

Glendale Park (MA)
Baseball Diamond & Softball Fields
The Glendale Park Design included an NCAA-level baseball diamond that can also be utilized as two softball fields. The field was designed with both a sand-based root zone and subsurface drainage. It includes a stat-of-the-art irrigation system and a robust maintenance program. Overall park improvements included a new playground, perimeter walking paths with pedestrian lighting, new site furniture, and aesthetic and functional landscaping enhancements. The project was funded by a PARC grand and was publicly bid.

Musco offers the best in lighting and is Nesra's top choice for high quality athletic field lighting.

Winchester Soccer Club (MA)
Indoor & Outdoor Soccer Fields
Nesra Engineering, LLC is providing Owner’s Project Management Services for Winchester Soccer Club’s 10.5 million dollar project. Services include value engineering, survey, design, permitting, assistance, and construction administration. The project is to be completed in two phases, Phase I has been completed and includes synthetic turf athletic fields, natural grass athletic fields, VIP parking area, scoreboard, athletic field lighting, cameras and broadcasting system. Phase two is currently in construction.
Phase II consists of a 90,000 square foot indoor athletic stadium, the facility has overhanging mezzanines for spectator viewing, cross fit exercise areas, locker rooms, showers, administrative offices, kitchen, dining area, restrooms, and much more. The steel building has been erected and the interior finishes are scheduled to be completed this year. Phase II also includes a bituminous concrete parking lot with improved drainage structures, emergency access ways, utilities, seat walls and plantings.